The SeaBotix Containerized Delivery System (CDS) is the world’s first rapid-response, fully self-contained, single-point lifting observation and light work ROV system. Even with depth ratings to 4,000 m (13,000 ft), the CDS has one third the footprint of a workclass ROV, takes a fraction of the time to mobilize and can be operated by two persons from a small vessel of opportunity. It is estimated that over 80% of workclass ROV missions are simple observation platforms. The CDS can pay for itself in operational costs quickly.
Sonic Enclosures utilized our mechanical engineering expertise to install a boom system rated for 42kN and extending 10ft beyond the end of the container to deliver payloads to the desired location without the need for any extra lifting systems.
Sonic Enclosures, with our 40 years experience in mechanical and electrical engineering, worked with SeaBotix to design a revolutionary ROV delivery device. The DNV certified Containerized Delivery System was manufactured and rigorously tested at Sonic headquarters in Delta BC to ensure long-lasting functionality and quality.
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